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The only thing you need to do today

Engineering and Leadership | Go make art

Photo credit: Flickr/ Jack Mallon

Go make some art.

Do something bold, something important, something beyond what your job title says you should be doing. Something above your pay grade. Something more than what you boss expects of you.

This is the only way to truly stand out in your career, and the only way to feel fulfilled by what you do.

Far too many engineers are content to show up to the office, put in their time, and go home. Sure, they work during that time, but they never do anything that will truly make a difference to their colleagues or the world around them.

As much as this is a tragedy for the profession, it also represents an incredible opportunity for those of us who care about what we do and who care to stand out from the crowd. All you have to do is focus your time and attention on something meaningful.

So, before you get too deep into your email inbox this morning, think to yourself: what can I do today that will actually matter to someone tomorrow?

My challenge to you is to do that thing, something meaningful and to prioritize doing meaningful work each and every day.

How else do you expect to make an impact in the world?


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September 23, 2014

By Pat Sweet

Pat is the president of The Engineering & Leadership Project. He's a recognized expert in leadership, project management, systems engineering and productivity.

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