by Pat Sweet | Oct 21, 2014 | Article, Leadership
In the pursuit of success, it’s easy to want to puff yourself up in front of others. You want to show off your successes. You want to distance yourself from failure. You want to be viewed as someone who always does the right thing, and to have everything you touch...
by Pat Sweet | Oct 31, 2012 | Article, Careers, Getting Started, Professional Development
Quite some time ago, I introduced the concept of the 20-Mile March. The idea comes from Jim Collins’ latest book, Great by Choice. Collins describes the 20-Mile March as the set of activities that great companies do day in, day out, regardless of the prevailing...
by Pat Sweet | Jun 14, 2012 | Article, Leadership, Productivity, Professional Development
Jim Collins has a way of getting me thinking. Collins is a business researcher and bestselling author based in Boulder, Colorado. I’ve read of a lot of his books lately, and you may have noticed his ideas pop up quite a bit already in this blog. If you’ve...
by Pat Sweet | Jun 2, 2012 | Article, Leadership
One problem that many engineers likely have with the idea of leadership is that it can seem ambiguous. What is leadership anyway? How can you tell someone is a leader? Engineers like me tend to do best with the quantifiable. We like facts, figures, and equations....