by Pat Sweet | Jun 5, 2012 | Article, Professional Development
For anyone who’s recently graduated from school, you’re likely either in the middle of a job search, or you recently finished one. In either case, you’ll have no doubt executed a facepalm at some point, screaming “Why does every junior...
by Pat Sweet | Jun 4, 2012 | Article, Productivity, Professional Development
So this wasn’t the post I was planning on writing today. In fact, I had another one 3/4 finished, but on the way home from work I was listening to a Harvard Business Review IdeaCast, as I sometimes do, and I had a bit of a “light-bulb” moment....
by Pat Sweet | Jun 2, 2012 | Article, Leadership
One problem that many engineers likely have with the idea of leadership is that it can seem ambiguous. What is leadership anyway? How can you tell someone is a leader? Engineers like me tend to do best with the quantifiable. We like facts, figures, and equations....
by Pat Sweet | May 30, 2012 | Article, Careers, Professional Development
I’m currently in the process of putting together my paperwork to become a Professional Engineer. There’s a lot of debate as to whether or not the paperwork and hassle are worth it. To me, there’s no debate. Becoming a P.Eng. (or P.E. in the US) has...
by Pat Sweet | May 29, 2012 | Article, Leadership
The number one mistake everyone makes about leadership is this: Leadership is for managers, not engineers. False! Leadership is not just for management. Nothing could be further from the truth It drives me nuts when I hear that. Let me explain why. Leadership is not...